LendSure Finance

Your One Stop Loan Shop

Whatever your lending needs, LendSure Finance has it covered .......

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While LendSure Finance has one foot firmly on the pulse of helping first home buyers get into their first homes, we can also help you access funds for a variety of other purposes, with many lending institutions to choose from. And, at the best rates with repayments set up to suit your budget and lifestyle.

Maybe you would like to refinance your existing property, upsize or buy an investment property. Perhaps you would like to borrow some money to finance a holiday, renovations, a vehicle or consolidate some debts.

If you have a dream, but not the funds to make it happen, ask LendSure Finance - your one stop shop for all your lending requirements – for help.

Based in the ACT, LendSure Finance is headed up by Wayne Pethybridge, an experienced broker with exceptional people skills gained from a lifetime of working around Australia in the mining industry, running an employment agency, competing both in Australia and overseas in cross country skiing, triathlon, ironman and running, and various other roles.

He understands what it’s like to be a person with a dream and with a never-say-die attitude, will work hard to help you achieve your goals. No request is too big or too small and he enjoys running through your options over the phone or a cup of coffee in your own home during hours that work for you.

Wayne has wide-reaching contacts in the lending industry and can take you step-by-step through the process, giving you the highest probability of success in achieving not only a loan, but a competitive loan that is right for you.

Contact Wayne, today for a free consultation.

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With Plenty Of Lenders To Choose From, To Best Help You

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Adelaide Bank
Scottish Pacific